To maintain good quality in teaching the following practical steps are taken to meet the teaching standards set at OSC school.
Teachers Training
The teachers training is done in various spheres of life to make them meet the standards of not only a good human being but also do justice with their profession.
Character Building : Weekly sessions on 'Husn-e-Akhlaaq' (Good Manners)are conducted with practical assignments for teachers to; implement the topic in their day to day dealing and convey it to the students.
The Topic is the area of focus in class the whole week. It makes character building easy by giving small targets to teachers and students. Husn-e-Akhlaaq is a compilation of Ahadith (sayings of Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him) on the various topics of good manners.
Click here to view book.
Click here for Audio Sessions.
Upbringing of Children: Knowing the correct means of brining up children is not only important for parents, but also necessary for teachers.
Teachers play an equally important role in the development of the personality of a child. For this reason online programs for Islamic Parenting are shared with teachers so that they can understand effective ways of treating children positively. We also plan to offer these workshops to parents in short sessions so that people belonging to less fortunate areas can also learn about good parenting techniques.
Click here for Audio Sessions on Islamic Parenting.
Lesson Planing
Implementing new ideas
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Thanks & JazakAllah
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