Reading Time .
Stage Performances .
Learning through Phonics .
Quiz Competitions .
Healthy Living Activities .
Vocational Training .
Arts and Crafts
Engrossed in reading
Reading Time:
At OSCS weekly visit to the Library is arranged and in each class students are given reading time to develop interest in reading. This activity is also followed by story telling by teachers or description of story by students.
Stage Performances :
Public speaking plays a very important role in the personal development of a child. Being able to face the crowd and covey what we need to say is a great skill. At OSCS children learn this skill through many activities that involve performing in front of an audience.
1. Recitation of Quran:
OSCS students learn to recite the Quran and offer their skills at assembly time, various functions and other events. Nazra being a regular subject, these students are taught to recite various Surahs (chapters of the Quran) in a beautiful manner. Students also memorize portions of the Quran.
2. Hadith recitation: The sayings of Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessings be upon him) are taught to students of OSCS for improving morals values and learning wisdom from these golden words. Students are taught to recite these sayings in Arabic language and their translation in Urdu in front of audiences.
3. Skits and Plays: Every Friday at OSCS the children of different classes perform skits, role plays and many other activities for the school. This involves topics covered in their classes and lessons gained from them. Students not only gain confidence but also provide a healthy competition for their peers.
4. Poem performance: At OSCS we also use Iqbal's poetry for the personal development of our students. Students perform on Iqbal's poems and draw useful lessons from them to apply in their day to day life.
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The Phonics Crown Play
Learning to read through Phonics :
At OSCS we ensure that the best methods are used to make teaching more effective. Reading is taught through phonics and for this many activities are planned by teachers. One of the most popular is the crown activity done with nursery and kindergarten students.
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Quiz Competitions:
Learning Language Tenses
OSCS students test their knowledge through various quiz competitions among classes. Simple concepts are also tested by activities like "Pick the right card from the basket". Students participate actively in these exciting yet informative activities.
Many students who other wise do not perform well in class can be seen taking interest in the subject and learning the concepts well through these fun filled quizzes.
Brushing Teeth
Healthy Living Activities :
At OSCS health related activities are a reagular feature. Children are taught how to wash their hands and brush teeth. Every class is taught the correct method of doing wudu and done practically with students. Health kits are also given to students with shampoo and soap and teachers ensure that all children are neat and clean.
Special importance is given to identify healthy and junk food. Children are encouraged to refrain from all sorts of junk foods and learn about the benefits of eating healthy food.
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Vocational Training
Just started Knitting
1. Knitting:
At OSCS, winters are filled with fun. Knitting is taught in our vocational training classes to elder students. Projects like, caps, mittens, purses, cell phone covers are done. The work is displayed on soft boards and also shown to sponsors who visit the campus.
Learning to use a Sewing Machine
2. Stitching:
OSCS students are taught stitching from threading a needle to the use of a sewing machine. Our students have been eager learners and learnt how to stitch their own clothes. We plan to gift sewing machines to students who master this skill
Crafts Displayed on soft board
3. Embroidery:
OSCS students have been doing embroidery and decorating their hand stitched projects. They make tray covers, pillow covers and many other small crafts on regular basis.
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Arts and Crafts:
Arts and Crafts play an important role in personality development as a means of expressing ones feelings. Many types of activities related to arts are done by students to express and display their artistic capabilities
Clay Works
Sponge Printing
We highly encourage students of other colleges and universities to visit our school and share their skills with our children. A few of these art activities have been done with OSCS children by students of Home Economics from F.G. College F-7/2 Islamabad.